It all started with only a dream, an adorable shelter pooch called Oscar*, and a South African with a passion and determination bordering on madness!

*Like the coveted golden statute adored by so many making their mark on the red carpet… albeit Oscar initially having a slightly different interpretation to carpet marking…

No doubt this special adopted mutt was behind the barking mad decision of Joanne Lefson to take him on the World Woof Tour, visiting 42 countries across 5 continents in order to inspire dog adoption. The two even got married in Vegas! Oscar also inspired her to start WOOF Project**; a legacy to this dog that inspired her life; and that of so many others!

**WOOF Project (South Africa) is the adoption initiative powered by Oscars Arc, the registered NPO born to inspire dog adoption and save dogs’ lives. WOOF Project gives them the exposure they need to find a home and a life. And of course, if this incredibly successful adoption project can save so many dogs ‘lives in South Africa, why not bring it to Europe…and the rest of the world for that matter…?!

And like so many stars of the big screen enchanting us with adventures, laughter and acts of bravery; stealing our hearts, so Oscar has done the same….leaving us completely inspired and totally smitten. Who could say no to adopting an incredible superstar-in-the-making dog like Oscar…and yet so many had done just that! Thankfully Joanne would be the one to finally spot his lifesaving-Oscar-winning performance in the shelter. Thank you, Joanne, from the bottom of our hearts, for saving Oscar, but more importantly, saving so many like Oscar with Woof Project!

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